Tourism of the future with the HeidiCHain.
With Heidiland Tourism, we are developing the first blockchain application for the tourism industry. This forward-looking project lays the foundation for a completely new dimension in the digitalization of the leisure industry in a destination. The development of the „HeidiCHain“ is therefore also supported by Innotour, the funding instrument of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.
ClientFootball transfer platform
We’ve created a web-platform (prototype) to organize and manage football-transfers based on our rell.CHain. We want to bring transparency to the football ecosystem.

Support for marine insurance
We are provider of the distributed ledger technology used inside a platform for marine insurance. The platform based in Austria is used to connect several foreign stakeholders in the insurance ecosystem and enables customers to manage insurance-vertificates on their own.
Blockchain Business Applications & Use Case Stories, Dhahran Techno-Valley
Blockchain has a number of business applications in fintech and in other industries. You will hear from us about exciting work in which we have been involved. This interactive presentation is designed to demystify Blockchain and provide real world use case examples.

Digital share register
We are working on a digital share-register based on our rell.CHain to empower SMCs to do transparent and immutable shareholder-management on their own.
Infineon Hackathon a part of the Innovation Days, Villach
We will support the blockchain track, at Infineon Hackaton in Villach.
The system includes frameworks, service functions and security chips for cryptographically secured transaction processing. Additionally, RELL.CHain provides methods and libraries for efficient IoT-connectivity to sensors and microcontrollers.
rell.CHain is designed to seamlessly interface Infineon’s Blockchain Security 2Go Starter Kit.